
SSH Cheat Sheets Apr 29, 2021

#Linux #SSH


SSL Setup for Apache Web Server Mar 30, 2021

#Apache #OpenSSL

A quick note of enabling SSL for Apache Web Server.

GDAL Installation Mar 16, 2021

#GDAL #Ubuntu

The ubuntu offers the GDAL package by default, but the package version is usually old. This note documents the step of installing the latest version of GDAL on Ubuntu system.

PyWPS Deployment Mar 11, 2021

#Ubuntu #Python #PyWPS

A quick note of configuring a conda environment for PyWPS on Ubuntu.Test environment: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal Fossa) 64-bit, Python 3.8, PyWPS 4.4.2

Installing TerriaJS on Ubuntu Jun 10, 2020

#Terria #Ubuntu

The TerriaJS Map is a web-based geospatial catalog explorer powered by the TerriaJS library to display and manage 2D/3D/4D geospatial data layers. It supports common geospatial data formats, such as GeoJSON, KML, CSV, GPX, CZML, and shapefile, as well as geospatial web services including WMS, WFS...

Enabling Minted in Latex Mar 11, 2020

#Latex #MacOS

Minted is a great package for latex users to insert colorful code in the manuscript. But enabling minted in latex might not as easy as other packages. Here are some tips to save your time.

Changing Default File Permission in Linux Feb 11, 2020


Change the default permissions for new files

CKAN Postgre Database Migration Dec 4, 2019

#CKAN #Postgre

The CKAN postgres database might take a lot of spaces in the Linux system. Today I notice the disk of our CKAN system is almost full. So I have to move the entire databse to an external disk. As you know, any modification of database could be dangerous. It takes me whole afternoon to deal with an...

Upgrading Openssl for Apache on Ubuntu Nov 21, 2019

#OpenSSL #Apache #Ubuntu

Just upgraded the OpenSSL from 1.0.2 to 1.1.1. on a server with Ubuntu 16.04.

Z Shell (zsh) and Oh My Zsh Nov 9, 2019

#Zsh #MacOS #Linux

The Bash had been the default shell on macOS for a long time. In the macOS Catalina, Apple replaced Bash with Z Shell (zsh), which is a more modern shell and compatible with Bash.